Submit Volunteer Hours
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Date Performed:
Number of Hours:
Blood Donor
Church (Committees, EM, lectors, usher, round table, Catholic Radio, CEW, Pilgrim Heights, etc.)
Community (clean parks, serve the needy, Tootsie Rolls, etc.)
Council (compass club, publicity, newsletter, memorial mass, etc.)
Culture of Life (40 Days for Life, Birthright, Rosary for Unborn, etc.)
Family (family nights, Roses for Mother's Day, etc.)
Food for Families (Emergency Food Box, Meals on Wheels)
Habitat for Humantiy
Special Olympics
Veterans (Iowa Veterans Home, etc.)
Visit Sick/Disabled members and their Families
Visit Bereaved
Youth (School, Scouts, soccer, fish frys, golf tournament, etc.)
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